Russia and "they" are far from me, as they were 50 years ago...
Americans are stupid too, but not evil? And Chinese? Indians? ... new monologues = youtubers and even! and ... "Ненависть к классической музыке — при огромных в ней успехах — феномен необъяснимый. Моему товарищу-музыканту, попавшему в психиатрическую больницу, не разрешали пользоваться портативным проигрывателем — чтобы не слушал классическую музыку (которая сама уже есть шизофрения). Остальным больным — разрешают, потому что они слушают “нормальную” музыку, т.е. умца-умца." Notes. Maxim Osipov [ monologues ] "Comrade President" [ my youtube playlist "russia" ]
... [ and Russian sub-directory? ] KINO as anti-culture
Narrative for this page/chapter? video player? + my collections [playlists] ? + picasa RU albums Do I have to write anything? ... captions.
* 2007-2008 video webpages -- две видео страницы в Книге Дурака я начал еще тогда, когда не было нового сайта КИНО. Теперь все страницы об этом новом "искусстве" будут там.
video pages [ inventory ] guide : where? Internet, web & video [ Ethiopian Millennium Pages and Ethiopian Fool ] ... What's your point, Anatoly? No points. And that's the point. Watch, enjoy yourself, waste your time -- you will never have life, only existence. Right? We are there, i.e. here What don't you understand? "Understanding" means nothing, who needs it -- ? Don't think about it, about life of yourself. All answers are ready for your. ... and : по-русски и о русских делах. Может и новости и документальное кино? Now we are talking! ... do we make sense? English Edition of Book of Fool.RU -- : 2008 and After 2009? No "After"... Happy New Year!
my (ru) "identities":The same place, but different time?
[ I do not think that I will be using my "russian" email addresses. ]
Freedom : "Love me do" and "La-la-la", and no thoughts about future, only "Bright Present"!
Or is it space, not place?
Not different time, but absence of time!
... : Russian (Personal) Politics?
2008 -- The Election Year!
... politics -- how boring!
Why boring?
Here it is -- the 1999 Christmas, Y2K, remember?
21, future, history -- more pages?
Perhaps, there is nothing to understand and explain?
The last goodbye from the 20th century and the second millennium :
«Товарищ Президент» - 5-я часть - КРОВАВОЕ ВОЦАРЕНИЕ ПУТИНА [ comments? ]
* and other pages
from "Russia" playlist at : Lotman, Part 1 :
... and from [ playlist "Russia" ] :
[ first collection ]
red day
Видео (2007 подборка)
Omon policeman tells his story of travel to Chechnya: